Reunion 2019
June 7-9
See who attended Reunion 2019
Michael Bodamer 1987
H. Boulton 1958 Louis DiCesare 1987 William Dick 1958 Michael Hendee 1987 Bob "Blaze" Pulos 1978 Charles Ries 1962 William Ries 1965 Thomas Scanlon 1965 Joe Sorrentino 1983 Jay Smith 1965 David Stanton 1977 |
Jay Smith 1965
Timmy Smith 1985 Joe Sorrentino 1983 Joseph Stein 1958 Ronald Theis 1959 David Tilley 1989 John Vachon 1987 David Wilcox 1958 Roger Wilcox 1965 Carl Woodward 1981 |
A recap of the weekend
Bob "Blaze" Pulos, KE 1008
June 7-9 was a wonderful weekend for Reunion at AU. Many brothers and guests showed up to enjoy the great weather and good times. Some of the highlights from 123 N Main St. include:
* on the way down Thursday, Carl Woodward's beer trailer breaks down in Horseheads; he puts out an APB which was answered by Spaz, Blaze and AAA with their trucks - in a combined effort, his gear was transported to Alfred. 80s brothers Bruce Clark and Steve Powley (more on the 80s later) were there to help set up. Carl's trailer needed welding and our Alfred neighbors, Mark and Kelly Lawrence, arranged to have a friend weld it on site gratis - thank you!
* Many people contributed to the pizza ingredients/making and hot dog grilling including Gary (Luigi) DelRegno, Tom (Marco) Nicotera, Licio (Guiseppe) Penisi, Mark (Turk) Mattar and Jeff (farmboy) Brundage.
* The fire pit was active both nights, Friday night being an after hours gathering of a mixed group of Reunion attendees; the fuel primarily being provided by Scott Beck's landscaping efforts (another 80s brother chipping in) and the Lawrence's gracious sharing of their firewood.
* A reunion, of sorts, was had by the owners of the 70s Alfred Sub Shop: "FMI" was Flash (Bill Resnick) and Mark (Omeara; 'Omar') Incorporated - both are brothers and were in town although Mark had to leave before Flash arrived - they fed many of us back in the day when the dining halls were closed and/or it was after midnight.
* Additional 80s guys in attendance included John Vachon, Mike Bodamer, Tom Malzachar, Mike Hendee, Lou DeCesar and Dave Tulley - good showing, men!
* Dick Hubbard, a brother from Vincenze Univ. (Indiana), presented the house with a framed artwork from Rafe Harpending (another 80s brother) - Dick is an alumni advisor to the new LCA chapter at the University of Buffalo - he lives on Rushford Lake and thus far has not been bashful to participate in our local activities. (Just wait till his pledging starts.)
* The nicest ride of the weekend goes to Tom and Amy Nicotera, who showed up in a new, red Scorpion sportscar; nice! (sorry Lotar)
* Thank you to our sorority friends who stopped in: Omicron sisters were in attendance at Friday night's bonfire, Theta sisters visited Sat night and an especially sincere thank you to the sisters of Sigma Chi Nu who regularly attend, participate and contribute to the success of the functions - well done, ladies! (a special shout out to Lynn Van Hine Larrison, who babysat Cara Mackey Dopman's dog until the wee hours of Sat night / Sun morning)
* Sunday is tough because of goodbyes but there's always next time; Homecoming weekend will be in the Fall and we'll be looking forward to seeing and visiting with You!
* on the way down Thursday, Carl Woodward's beer trailer breaks down in Horseheads; he puts out an APB which was answered by Spaz, Blaze and AAA with their trucks - in a combined effort, his gear was transported to Alfred. 80s brothers Bruce Clark and Steve Powley (more on the 80s later) were there to help set up. Carl's trailer needed welding and our Alfred neighbors, Mark and Kelly Lawrence, arranged to have a friend weld it on site gratis - thank you!
* Many people contributed to the pizza ingredients/making and hot dog grilling including Gary (Luigi) DelRegno, Tom (Marco) Nicotera, Licio (Guiseppe) Penisi, Mark (Turk) Mattar and Jeff (farmboy) Brundage.
* The fire pit was active both nights, Friday night being an after hours gathering of a mixed group of Reunion attendees; the fuel primarily being provided by Scott Beck's landscaping efforts (another 80s brother chipping in) and the Lawrence's gracious sharing of their firewood.
* A reunion, of sorts, was had by the owners of the 70s Alfred Sub Shop: "FMI" was Flash (Bill Resnick) and Mark (Omeara; 'Omar') Incorporated - both are brothers and were in town although Mark had to leave before Flash arrived - they fed many of us back in the day when the dining halls were closed and/or it was after midnight.
* Additional 80s guys in attendance included John Vachon, Mike Bodamer, Tom Malzachar, Mike Hendee, Lou DeCesar and Dave Tulley - good showing, men!
* Dick Hubbard, a brother from Vincenze Univ. (Indiana), presented the house with a framed artwork from Rafe Harpending (another 80s brother) - Dick is an alumni advisor to the new LCA chapter at the University of Buffalo - he lives on Rushford Lake and thus far has not been bashful to participate in our local activities. (Just wait till his pledging starts.)
* The nicest ride of the weekend goes to Tom and Amy Nicotera, who showed up in a new, red Scorpion sportscar; nice! (sorry Lotar)
* Thank you to our sorority friends who stopped in: Omicron sisters were in attendance at Friday night's bonfire, Theta sisters visited Sat night and an especially sincere thank you to the sisters of Sigma Chi Nu who regularly attend, participate and contribute to the success of the functions - well done, ladies! (a special shout out to Lynn Van Hine Larrison, who babysat Cara Mackey Dopman's dog until the wee hours of Sat night / Sun morning)
* Sunday is tough because of goodbyes but there's always next time; Homecoming weekend will be in the Fall and we'll be looking forward to seeing and visiting with You!